The Foundation manages many special funds that provide support for Foundation programs, dedicated funding to our schools, or scholarships and awards to our students and staff. Endowed funds provide an ongoing way to continue this support for years to come.
District and School Directed Endowed Funds
- Cheng Family Chinese Culture Endowment
- Christine Boge Greatest Need Fund (Held at the Community Foundation of Johnson County)
- Dane Fine Arts Endowment
- Dane Music Fund Endowment
- Diane McConahay Memorial Fund
- Francis T. and Janet Dane Driscoll for Twain Elementary
- Horn Endowment Fund
- Jean and Donald Grant Endowed Fund (Dr. Christine Grant)
- Jerry and Janet Hoffey Memorial Endowment
- Kate Wickham Northminster Endowment
- Koza Family Fund
- Library Program Fund Endowment
- Performance Music Endowment
- Robert Staley Memorial Endowment
- Support Our Schools ("SOS") Endowment Fund Founded by United Iowa Financial
- Weber Endowment Fund
- West High Alumni Endowment
Cheng Family Chinese Culture Endowment
Christine Boge Greatest Need Fund (Held at the Community Foundation of Johnson County)
Dane Fine Arts Endowment
Dane Music Fund Endowment
Diane McConahay Memorial Fund
Francis T. and Janet Dane Driscoll for Twain Elementary
Horn Endowment Fund
Jean and Donald Grant Endowed Fund (Dr. Christine Grant)
Jerry and Janet Hoffey Memorial Endowment
Kate Wickham Northminster Endowment
Koza Family Fund
Library Program Fund Endowment
Performance Music Endowment
Robert Staley Memorial Endowment
Support Our Schools ("SOS") Endowment Fund Founded by United Iowa Financial
Weber Endowment Fund
West High Alumni Endowment
Scholarship Funds and Awards
The ICCSD Foundation supports many scholarships and awards for students and staff in our district. These scholarships and awards have been created by donors who wish to remember a loved one, honor an educator, or reward students’ hard work in and outside the classroom. Those established with an endowed fund (marked with an *) ensure that the awards and recognition will be available for future students and graduates many years to come.
- Arthur Barrett Cornwall Scholarship*
- Brian Cretzmeyer Music Scholarship
- Bud Williams Cross Country Scholarship
- Christian A. Green Memorial Scholarship
- City High Scholarship*
- City High Class of 75 Silver Cord Scholarship*
- City High Musician-Athlete Scholarship*
- David and Rosalie Braverman Family Community Service Award*
- Districtwide Parent Organization Education Scholarship
- Don Gatens Memorial Scholarship*
- Doug Robertson Memorial Scholarship*
- Eberly "En Voyage" Scholarship*
- Harvest City Fly the W Scholarship
- Jim Hughes Citizenship Award
- John Raffensperger Scholarship*
- Kanellis Scholarship*
- Kathy Riddle Memorial Scholarship*
- Levy Growth Mindset Scholarship*
- Lucas Brenneman Memorial Scholarship
- Marjorie Anderson Smith Business Scholarship*
- Medd Award Fund
- Mr. Parker Science Award*
- Pamela R. (Heck) Jones Friendship Award
- Rox Shain Scholarship
- The Russell and Helen Hirt Memorial Scholarship*
- Sidney and Janice Tribbey Family Scholarship*
- Sister Margaret Dane Hansen Ambassador Scholarship*
- Skyler Moss Foundation Scholarship
- University of Iowa DeGowin Blood Center Scholarship
- Witinok Advancing Science Education Award*